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How Polarized 3D Glasses Work?

How Polarized 3D Glasses Work?

When we think of 3D (Three-Dimensional) glasses and entertainment, gone are the days of flimsy cardboard-handles anaglyph glasses with one red and one blue lens. 3D glasses now play an integral role in everyday entertainment.

If you’ve ever been to the movies and have seen a movie in IMAX, you’ll likely be familiar with these glasses. Both RealD 3D and IMAX Digital 3D both utilize 3D glasses to help bring the images seen on screen to life. These glasses utilize polarizer film provided by companies such as 3Dlens, which enables both eyes to see slightly different images to create that immersive 3D effect.

Whether you’re watching a spaceship travel faster than the speed of light, superheroes teaming up to take on the latest threat to the galaxy, or any other movie filmed in IMAX for that matter, were it not for the glasses you wear upon your face, the immersive experience in the theatre simply wouldn’t be possible.

3D polarized glasses come in a variety of different specs and designs and are revolutionizing the way we enjoy movies. But are they the future of entertainment? Let’s find out.

What are Polarized 3D Glasses?

Polarized 3D glasses for movie, also known as Passive 3D glasses, are quickly proving to be an extremely popular choice for an immersive movie-going experience.

The lenses of the glasses are equipped with thin linear polarizing film to create an optical trick which gives the illusion of depth. Each of the glasses’ lenses is designed to filter light waves which are orientated in a specific direction. When viewers wearing these glasses look at a 3D image or watch a 3D movie, there are actually two slightly different images projected at the same time, with one for each eye.

The lenses, equipped with linear polarizer film, help ensure that each eye sees the image intended for it. This essentially tricks the brain into thinking it’s viewing things in 3D. Again, this is all down to light polarization created as a result of the linear polarizer film applied to each lens of the glasses.

Key Benefits of Polarized 3D Glasses

Linear polarized 3D glasses offer a plethora of benefits over the more expensive Active 3D glasses, and the more primitive red and blue anaglyph glasses.

Comfortable Design

3D polarized glasses are typically very comfortable to wear. They’re lightweight, and are designed to be worn for prolonged periods of time with no discomfort. You can even wear them over prescription glasses.


Polarized 3D glasses are also much more affordable than Active 3D glasses, which feature active shutter systems that require batteries and need to be fully charged. Once the polarizer film is applied to the lenses that’s it, they’re good to go. This makes them a much cheaper option.


Linear polarized 3D glasses for movie can be used in a variety of different settings, making them extremely versatile. You can use them in professional working environments as well as at home with home movie theatres and home entertainment systems.

Superior Image Quality

Finally, perhaps the most important benefit associated with polarizing 3D glasses is the fact that they provide such superior image quality. Images are typically brighter and sharper than a lot of other 3D technologies, whilst also clearer as well.

Final Thoughts

As 3D technology continues to advance, more and more households and businesses are now utilizing 3D polarizing glasses and reaping the rewards.

Thanks to the breakthroughs in modern technology, along with superior linear polarizer film like that provided by 3Dlens.com, it’s easy to see why passive polarized 3D glasses are once again growing in popularity and helping the shape the future of entertainment as we know it today.